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save on your electricity
How to Save Electricity in Winter

On cold winter days, your house is your haven from the biting wind, freezing frost, and chilly weather mother nature produces over the season.

dimmer switches
Do dimmer switches save power?

Dimmer switches can be aesthetically great assets to a home’s ambience and functionality by adjusting the level of light to achieve anything from suiting a particular mood to showcasing a feature area.

wiring checks
Why it’s important to have your house wiring checked

On average there are around 3000 house fires in Victoria each year. Approximately a third of those are caused by electrical faults and building wiring problems in the home.

electrical safety tips
Electrical safety tips for the Christmas holidays

Christmas is almost here for another year; the decorations have made their way on to the tree and summer holiday preparations are well underway.

electrical hazards
How to keep your children safe from electrical hazards in the home

Kids and babies love to touch things they shouldn’t, including anything electrical in the home.

Transform your outdoor lighting
Tips for transforming the lighting in your outdoor entertaining area

An outdoor entertaining area can be easily transformed into a welcoming well-lit ambient space for friends and family to get together when the right outdoor lighting has been installed.

electrical hazards
Common Electrical Hazards in the Workplace

Electricity is a necessity today, whether it is to have lights on your street, the ability to boil water or for your computer screen to turn on every day you get to work.

Do you need an experienced electrician?

Our proven track record of over 70 years as electrical contractors servicing Geelong, enables us to quickly identify your needs and offer you the best possible solutions.

Get in touch with us for an obligation free quote.

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